Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Stop making Resolutions, Start Setting Goals

  It will be easier to say ''I want to make more money this year'' Than to say ''I want to make 1million'' This year.

While both sentence look alike they are not the same. Making more money is too broad, Making 1 million is more specific!

Resolution is defined as a strong decision to do or not to do something, while Goal is a desired result a person plans to achieve. Resolutions are not specific and that makes them hard to achieve.

Now in the definitions you can see that a Goal requires a plan, unlike a resolution where you just decided without any plan towards achieving what you decided.

I stopped making Resolutions Since I discovered that I never achieved anything making them and started setting Goals. Now I have New year Goals, no more New year Resolutions.

When I was in my first year in school, I made a resolution at every new semester to start reading more than I did. But this yielded no result and when the semester is already going half I already feel defeated.

This kept repeating, and I vowed not to make it as a resolution. I decided to set it as a goal. I set a Goal to be reading extensively at least four times per week, I had my plans, worked towards it and it worked.

Goals are simply better because you have more chance to plan how it works. And you can measure success and know how far you have Gone.


I break down my yearly Goals and even write them down so that I can remember them. By doing so I become very familiar with what I want to achieve and work towards it. You can start doing the same. The importance of writing them down is for you not to loose sight of them, its not just enough to have them in your mind, write them down!

Finally Goals set without handwork is worse than a resolution itself, so when you set Goals, strive to achieve them. Start small by setting realistic goals, work towards achieving them, measure your success, change your approach if necessary and certainly you will achieve something.

2015 is near, when it finally comes, make sure you don't make new year resolution, rather Set New year Goals.


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